檔案大小:38.4 MB
版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。
Have you ever been in a situation where you have some ingredients at hand but don't know what to cook? Are you throwing away food because it expired?
- Search recipes with ingredients on hand or that you want to use
- Grocery list / shopping list for ingredients you want to buy
- Keep track of your fridge and pantry
- Get notified when ingredients are about to expire
Frydge lets you search recipes with ingredients you have or that you want to use. You can search by ingredients or by recipe name. Frydge shows which ingredients you have and which you need to buy. You can easily add ingredients that you need to buy to the grocery list with name and amount.
Frydge also helps you keep track of the ingredients that you have at home. This helps you reduce food waste and save money. You can even sync this to the cloud and share it with other people you live with, which makes it easier to keep track!